Monday, April 04, 2011

April Is Donate Life Month!

I should have written this on Thursday, but due to a hectic week of class, traveling and speeches, I am just now finding time to write this important blog.

April is a big month. Not only because my birthday is on the 24th, but because this month is National Donate Life Month!

I will not go into the traditional explanation as to why I care about the cause, because let's be real, everyone who follows this blog is well aware of my story and why I have such a great deal of interest in this cause.

Now that I am done with sounding extremely cocky, I would like to get to the heart (excuse the pun) of this blog.

If you are not already, I would like to invite you all to REGISTER AS AN ORGAN DONOR.

That link will direct you to my website, where I have compiled a database of both information and donor registries. (I  even compiled a brief list of International registries).

If you have already registered to be an organ donor, I sincerely thank you. However, I ask that you please forward this message on to all of your friends and family as a way of spreading the word of the importance of organ donation. You can easily do so by clicking the e-mail link below this post or by using the Twitter and Facebook tools at the top left corner.

Thank you all for your continued support. I hope to see a day where individuals no longer have to spend 70+ days (or perish) trying to make it to an abstract date of surgery, much like countless others do yearly as a result of a shortage in registered donors.

Thank you for your time and attention,

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