Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Jump start your Shopping list! Holiday Giveaway!

Holiday Giveaway!

'Tis the season to be jolly... and I am feeling pretty damn jolly!

How jolly am I feeling? Well, I'm feeling jolly enough to jump start your holiday shopping list.

I will be giving away 2 signed copies of my book, Swim: A Memoir of Survival, on Thanksgiving day. One copy will go to the winner of the raffle, and the other copy will go to the individual who referred the winner off of their Facebook page.

How does it work? Simply log onto my Facebook page, click the "Giveaway" tab on the left-hand side, then fill out the steps.

Actually, on second thought, I'm feeling SO jolly, that I'll give you all a direct link the giveaway: HERE YAH GO!

If you would like a step-by-step guide on how to enter the giveaway, see my 4th of July post!

Good luck to everyone who applies!